Sunday, December 14, 2008

Hold the vision, but use oven mitts.

It's snowing in Portland, Oregon. People freak out when it snows here, despite the fact that so many people ski, snowboard and ice pick treacherous mountains. At the rate it's coming down, we'll be inside for days, and the oven will be in service. I'm no Betty Crocker, but even I can't resist baking cookies on days like this. It might ruin my mojo though. When I do stand-up, people think I'm a jaded, divorced, single mom. I actually got hit on the other night after stumbling through a five-minute set. Good thing my husband thought it was hilarious. But wait, was it hilarious because it was the first time I've been approached in over a decade or because someone found an over-40 mother of two attractive?

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